The Undergraduate Studies Program (USP) of the Department of Computer, Informatics, and Telecommunications Engineering of the International Hellenic University is fully harmonized with the corresponding programs of Greek and international university departments, making use to a large extent of the experience of the Curriculum of the Department from which it evolved, since it is valid, competitive, compatible with the recommendations of reputable international organizations and meets the modern needs of Information Technology science and Engineering.
The duration of studies at the Department is five (5) years according to the Government Gazette 2657/B/1-7-2019. During each semester studies include theoretical teaching, laboratory exercises, practical exercises, seminars, visits to workplaces and preparation of assignments.
The Program:
- Through the elective courses introduced from the 6th semester of study, provides specialization in cognitive subjects, which meet both the needs of the national economy and the modern developments in the discipline of Computers, Informatics, and Telecommunications.
- Meets international standards of study and the needs of students interested in the broader areas of (a) Computer Networks and Telecommunications, (b) Software and Information Systems, and (c) Hardware and Computer Systems.
- Specializes the subject matter of the profession of Computers, Informatics and Telecommunications Engineer, so that it meets the needs of the labor market and Greek society.
Based on the Department Curriculum, a wide range of the scientific field of Computer Science and Telecommunications is covered at undergraduate level, which concerns the study, design, development, construction and operation of information systems, computer devices, wired and wireless telecommunication networks as well as service systems, IT project management and networking, with a view to economy and respect for the environment.
The USP development takes into account the guidelines of the Quality Assurance Unit (QAU) and is based on the standard undergraduate curricula proposed by the international organizations Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) and IEEE Computer Society (CS), as well as on corresponding Greek and international undergraduate curricula. In addition, the judgement of scientific and professional bodies – such as the Greek Association of Computer & Communications Enterprises (SEPE) and the Hellenic Society of Computer Scientists and Professionals (ASP) – was taken into account.
The Curriculum supports 72 courses of which 40 are Mandatory core Courses (MC), 27 are compulsory Elective Courses (EC) and 5 are Optional (OC), General Education courses. Also, in the last (10th semester) students are required to complete a Thesis, while they can optionally choose to carry out an Internship in Industry. As it is obvious from the titles, all students attend the mandatoty courses (MC), they have to choose 14 out of the 27 elective courses (EC) depending on the cognitive area in which they want to deepen their knowledge, and finally, the optional courses (OC) are not required for the degree nor are they taken into account in the final degree but offer specific knowledge in the fields of Management, Economics, Law and Humanities (MELH).
Based on the level of sophistication in each subject, the Department’s USP is structured on the basis of three groups (types) of courses:
- The group of General Background (GB) courses, which aim to create the necessary cognitive background for the following semesters.
- The group of Special Background (SB) courses, which aims to train students in the basic subjects of the discipline they study.
- The group of Specialized General Knowledge, Skills Development courses (SD), which belongs to the Specialization Cycle of Studies of the Department.
The detailed Program of Studies that follows contains the titles and code numbers of the courses as well as the corresponding workload and credits (ECTS). The credits of the Department’s courses are fully aligned with the credit units of the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS-European Credit Transfer System), in order to favor student mobility, e.g. through Erasmus programs.